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What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is false teeth that connect two natural, rooted teeth across a gap. Dentists can preserve a patient’s bite following a tooth extraction using a bridge. They must be inserted before bone loss sets in.

To replace a lost adult tooth, dentists attach a bridge composed of two crowns and a false tooth, known as a pontic, that are all fused together. The two crowns will be set on the teeth adjacent to your missing tooth and function as an anchor for the false tooth. The procedure generally takes place over two visits and is relatively simple and pain-free.

If you are missing more than one adjacent tooth, your dentist can’t repair your teeth with a bridge. You may need to opt for a removable bridge or dentures.

What Are the Advantages of a Dental Bridge?

  • Appearance – Bridges will restore your smile to its state before tooth loss. Technology has advanced to the point where bridges are indistinguishable from your normal teeth.
  • Cost – Compared to dental implants, bridges are a much cheaper alternative for those with missing teeth.
  • Durability – Bridges last between 10 and 15 years before they have to be repaired or replaced.
  • Maintenance – The general sentiment among dental professionals is that implants are easy to maintain. Brushing and flossing is simple thanks to the fused structure of the bridge.

What are the Types Of Dental Bridges?


Normal Bridge

A normal bridge is appropriate when there is a tooth on either side of the missing tooth and consists of two crowns and a false tooth.

Maryland Bridge

A Maryland bridge is made primarily of plastic adhered to a metal framework and includes gum detail. It is bonded to your teeth on either side.

Cantilever Bridge

This type of bridge is used when there is an anchor tooth on only one side.

Complete your smile with a dental bridge